Performance Perspectives Blog

Jim Johnson, age 68, succumbs to cancer

by | Jul 28, 2009

Jim Johnson, Philadelphia Eagles Defensive Coordinator, died today of cancer (see What, you may ask, does this have to do with performance measurement?

On January 28,2005, the Home News Tribune (a NJ paper) ran a story titled “New Challenge for Defense,” which discussed the Eagles’ victory over the Atlanta Falcons in the NFC Championship game. The article attributed much of the Eagles’ success to Johnson’s tactical prowess.

I have used this headline in our attribution classes since that time as an example of attribution. I just learned of Johnson’s death when visiting the ESPN website, and felt it appropriate to acknowledge this in light of my regular use of the article and the citing of Johnson’s exceptional skills.

We ALL know folks who have died from cancer, be it parents, spouses, other relatives, or friends. It’s a dreaded disease that touches us all. As an Eagles fan, I know the team will miss him, as will his family and friends.

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